7 thoughts on “

  1. Yep, it was nearly a year for me of no periods and I’ve been confirmed by Blood tests as peri menopausal. Then I spent some time with my mum, within a week I had a really heavy period (she had the first jab in December and has had her second too). Then I met up with her again about 3 weeks later, same thing about a week later with really heavy bleeding and clots.

    I’m possibly seeing her next week and we’ll see if it happens again.

  2. I’m perimenopausal and my cycle has been winding down as in lighter but I’ve mostly always been regular.  These last 2 cycles (Early April before Easter and this week, Mothers day) have been insanely heavy with lots of clotting and this last one, although 2 weeks late has been extreme for 2 days. For these last 2 cycles, I’ve had to lay down with legs up because I feel like I lost so much blood and clots that were huge in a short time, that I felt a little dizzy and chest pressure.  After resting and hydration I felt better. It just dawned on me that it could be from being directly exposed to the vaccines. I’m a massage therapist and most of my clients are in the medical field and older. They were the first in line to get the vaccine back in March/April.  I spend an hour to 90 minutes with them literally touching them.

  3. I had been nearly a year without a period (I’m 47) and no cramping or any sign of a period, then my boyfriend had his first jab and about 3 days later I had cramping, some ‘spotting’ I guess you’d call it, and I’ve been having cramping off and on ever since, this was about a month ago now. My boyfriend had really nasty flu symptoms from the jab, muscle aches, fever, fatigue, lasted for about a week, I’ve not been with him since the day of his jab.

  4. I am 50, my periods was getting lighter and I was beginning to slow down from December 2020..until about March and April it was 25-28 days apart, a little heavier than the previous months, but nothing to make me concern, until May. i had two cycles… checked my calendar and it was about two weeks apart, extremely heavy. I thought maybe that was just part of the end process for my cycle, but came across a video on healthimpactnews.com that was sharing info on women’s menses as one of the side effects to the vaccine shots. Even though I chose not to get the shot I come in very close contact with individuals that did choose to get the vaccine shot. I am a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist), the majority of my clients got the vaccine shot so did most of my friends and lots of family members.

  5. I’m 54 and have been menopausal for 7 years (since 2014). After spending a weekend with my sister, her husband, and her newly vaccinated daughter, my period came 3 days later. It was light but that was the first time in 7 years.
    They were all vaccinated.

  6. My mother is 47 and is experiencing heavy period pains with heavy clotting , severe migraine and back pains now after getting her first jab a month ago . Please help☹️

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